Week 19 January 20


Posted by kavery508 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on January 20, 2020

Floral St. has a strong commitment to creating a safe space that respects inclusion and diversity. One way we do that is through teacher-led social groups. These groups provide opportunities for all students to practice social skills, including communication and cooperative skills. Floral’s Early Learning Center (ELC) serves students with diverse needs, some of whom are part of our classroom. They would like to offer students not already in the ELC the opportunity to be peer models in these social groups with their classmates, a practice which has proven to benefit all kids here. Our ELC Coordinator, Rachael Grolman, is sending home a permission slip tomorrow so that kids in our class can participate. Please sign and return it if you give your permission. For more information, you can call or email Rachael at rgrolman@shrewsbury.k12.ma.us

Our CAFE focus this week is on Identifying Character Traits vs. Feelings. This is part of the Common Core reading standard RL.2.3: Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges. Integrating social studies instruction, we’ll learn to analyze Amelia Earhart’s character traits that made her great and see how her feelings fueled or challenged her. Here’s the author, Brad Meltzer, reading his book I Am Amelia Earhart :

The kids have been learning much about writing informative pieces, including introductions, ideas with supportive details, and conclusions that engage the reader. Here are some from 1) Aadhya, on Hoola Hooping 2) Mason, on football 3) and Ishawn on Pele: 1) The first thing you should know about hula hoops is that you put it on your waist and spin it. You have to spin it fast as you hold the hula hoop. 2) The first thing you should know about football is the equipment that you wear. For one thing, there are shoulder pads and helmets with cushions inside. 3) The first thing you should know is Pele lived in Sao Paulo, Brazil. For one thing, in Sao Paulo he was very poor. He stole peanuts to get money for a soccer kit. He still didn’t have enough money for the soccer cleats. Great work!

This week we begin chapter 7 of Math in Focus, the goal of which is to make students proficient with linear measurement (especially meters and centimeters). To begin, students will learn the importance of standard units of measurement and be introduced to content-specific vocabulary (width; height; length; meter; etc.). They will next develop a sense of how big meters and centimeters are. Then they will learn correct methods for estimating and accurately measuring and talking about measurement (more than, less than, about, exactly). And as always, they will be asked to solve real-world problems that require analysis and application of skills learned. Consider the following problem from this week’s lessons. Notice how it requires students to think about space, length, multiplication/repeated addition, and subtraction to solve it:

In Science, students are learning to Ask Questions and Construct Explanations as they explore a variety of objects and substances as part of our study of Properties of Matter. This week they used their senses of observation besides seeing to identify properties of subjects in “Mystery Bags”!

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