Week 39 June 16


Posted by kavery508 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on June 16, 2014

starWe’ve arrived! Congratulations to students and families alike on a most successful school year. It never ceases to amaze me how much growth these young learners undertake from August to June. As I mentioned at our spring show, our success depended in large part on the partnership between home and school. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your efforts in helping these new scholars be all they can be.

heartsThank you too for your kind and generous gifts! I will use them to recharge my batteries and my classroom as I continue my own journey.

bookwormSome reminders:

1. All homework is done!

2. I will be teaching grade two next year. The administration has made the decision to split this year’s classes up for the sake of balance, so I know I will not be looping (I didn’t want you to be surprised when report cards come home with next year’s teacher)!

3. If you have been contacted by the school’s reading program to receive summer reading books, I urge you to take advantage of this free program and to respond. It is essential that kids keep up reading skills or they are prone to lose what they have learned, a sad fact we have seen time and again.

4. It’s a good idea for all students to have a plan to keep reading this summer! I know the public library has offerings, and they have books at every student’s level. In addition, RAZ Kids will be available for only part of the summer. Please take advantage until our subscription runs out.

5. To encourage students to maintain and extend writing skills, I will be sending home a summer writing journal with directions next week as well.

6. Please look around for any reading books that belong to my classroom or to the school and return them before Thursday.

Thank you to all of you who volunteered for Field Day! The rain held off and the kids had a great time! Check out the pictures below.

Finally, please accept my best wishes for a joyful summer vacation and continued success in grade two!


Ken Avery

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