Week 24 February 9


Posted by kavery508 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on February 9, 2015

caresOur lessons on random acts of kindness and paying it forward culminated with our February School Meeting. Students and grownups shared thoughts, feelings, and observations around the importance of recognizing kindness in our lives and making life better for others. Our celebration included singing, dancing, and watching the cool video below. We will keep the kindness going by exchanging valentines this Friday, February 13. Children are welcome to borrow materials from school (colored paper, markers, etc.) if they wish to make their own. There are 21 kids in all; see our class list if you wish to personalize them!

Snow or no snow, we’ve made it to the 100th Day of School! We are officially 100 days smarter. To prove it, students are invited to bring in their poster or project with smart math work around the number 100 (not just bring in 100 items). For ideas, check out our past blog post. Students will be teaching us about the math involved in their project, so I’ve reminded them to ‘prepare to share’!

chinese goatNext Thursday marks Lunar New Year, celebrated by some Asian Americans nationwide. We will learn a little about Chinese New Year customs long ago and today (history); our place and that of China in the world (mapping); and the ways in which people celebrate this holiday similar to those in Europe and North America (culture). My home town of Boston puts on a great display in and around Chinatown, including parades, food, and family-friendly events. Alternatively, there are lots of fun and interesting events happening all over the state for kids and families: http://www.eventbrite.com/directory?q=chinese+new+year+festival&loc=Boston%2C+MA

Abraham_Lincoln_November_1863This week students will be researching an important figure in U.S. history. Integrating reading skills, writing, and social studies concepts, students will use biographical texts (including books and internet articles) to analyze and report on the character traits that their subject displayed while doing important things for our country and its citizens!

MIF workbook This week’s math work challenges students to apply their knowledge of the number 100 and patterns found therein. They will also continue to learn and practice strategies for skip-counting to learn multiplication facts of 5 and 10, and to apply these when solving multi-step problems. Try this one yourself: Tom made valentines for all the kids in his class. One week, he made 5 valentines each day on Monday and Tuesday. The next week, he made 3 valentines each day on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Then he was done. How many valentines did he make in all? How would you solve this? What models would you draw, and how would you organize the information on the page with pictures, labels, and numbers so it showed how to solve the problem completely?

multip1 multip2

We are becoming proficient at observing and recording the weather, including: reading and writing temperature and calculating daily changes in temperature; naming types of weather; identifying clouds and how they impact our weather; and interpreting how the weather affects us daily. Here are some pictures of us in action, and a video of the water cycle which is this week’s science focus.

multip3    multip4

Our blog will be taking a break for February vacation next week. I wish you safe journeys, and thank you for all your efforts on behalf of your child. It’s amazing how much they have grown!

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