Week 39 June 8


Posted by kavery508 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on June 8, 2015

10The countdown is on: just 10 days until 3rd grade! The kids have come SO far, and are 100% ready for new challenges!

Some final notes:

1. This is the last week of reading homework, math homework, spelling quizzes, and math facts quizzes.

2. Please be on the lookout for all Floral St. Media Center books (they have a labeled barcode). This includes books borrowed from our classroom for homework (e.g. not just the one book your child has borrowed from Media). In addition, ALL books belonging to school should now come back.

3. Your child’s math workbooks will come home after this week. Please be aware that as we align the new program to our state standards, a few chapters are not being taught, and therefore will be blank.

4. Keep up those skills! Over the summer, many students lose some of what they’ve learned in a year. You can help avoid this with some easy tips:

a. Our subscription to RAZ Kids continues through the first 1/2 of summer. Keep on reading and take advantage of this on-the-go option! In addition, the Shrewsbury Public Library has a fantastic collection of leveled books your child can borrow. See the report card for your child’s just-right level, then choose books on–and just below–that.

b. I’ll be sending home a writing journal with some students to beef up skills. Be on the lookout!

c. Our Xtra Math membership will not expire! Students can keep studying and moving up levels, and in the fall I can transfer their accounts to next year’s teacher. In the event next year’s teacher does not participate, shoot me an email then and I’ll keep your child’s account active under my class!

d. Greg Tang’s math site is offering a “Summer Challenge!” Visit the site via the link in the Student Resources section above. I HIGHLY recommend visiting the site often, in any event. His vision for building math fluency in kids is spot-on.

With your help, we can avoid the dreaded regression of skills (or as we call it, The Summer Slide)!

spring concertYou’re invited! Our End-of-Year Celebration will be held Friday, June 12, 9:30-10:15 in our Cafeteria. Similar to our Winter bash, we will be performing on the stage for family and friends, and we will remain after for photo opportunities and congratulations!

Field Day was a BLAST! Thanks to our parents Tony Mastromatteo, Angela Heske, Susan Agneta, and Mary Rosiello for helping make the day the success that it was!

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