Week 36 May 23


Posted by kavery508 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on May 23, 2016


Please send in a 1-liter clear plastic bottle, cleaned, with label removed for a planting station during FGG. Extras are appreciated!

Please send in a plain, white t-shirt for your child if you haven’t.

Our class end-of-year celebration is on Wed., June 15, 9:30 in the cafeteria.

Thanks for sending in photos of your child near Shrewsbury’s water tanks! The kids consider themselves experts at local water now–love it!



Floral Goes Green is almost here! This Friday students will engage with the theme, “I am a citizen scientist,” through presentations, posters, and interactive displays in the gym and throughout the hallways. Our class display will aim to teach the school how precious a resource water is; where our water comes from; potential hazards to our water supply; and ways we can all do more with less. The students have created models, graphs, photos, illustrations, and informative writing pieces based on research. They’ve done an awesome job!


Students have been taking their biggest leap yet with opinion writing, analyzing text and citing evidence to support their ideas! Here are 3 on the topic of book recommendations from 1) Alexandra, on High Tide in Hawaii (Osborne) 2) Mariyah, on Josefina Saves the Day (Tripp), and 3) Saanvi, on The Stranger (Van Allsburg): 1) One reason I (recommend it) is, there is an imaginative setting. For example, they went to Hawaii in a TREEHOUSE! 2) Finally, it has a magical plot. Beautiful and magical things happen while Josefina is in New Mexico visiting her grandparents. 3) My third reason is it has a suspenseful plot. The Stranger lost his memory. It is mysterious because…will he ever get his memory back?  Terrific!

Next, our opinion writing wraps up in a big way! Students are asked to take a stand and propose an argument on a topic they feel strongly about, for example: Should animals be kept in zoos? Do we do enough to stop bullying at school? What are the most important character traits a teacher/coach/parent should have? Kids will organize their argument; state reasons for their opinion; and craft an introduction and conclusion to their pieces. Smart!

MIF workbook

Our next two math chapters for study involve geometry. This week, students will learn that figures are made up of lines and curves. They will identify the same, and create figures of their own. In addition, they will learn about surfaces of solid objects and identify them as curved or flat. Finally, they will learn properties of solid objects, in particular which objects can stack, slide, and roll. All of this is a precursor to the geometry of plane shapes and solids which we will take on in the 2 weeks following. If you’re accessing the student e-book at home, this is Book B, chapter 18. It’s a great resource, especially if your child has questions on homework!

mif ch 18If looking for websites/apps/games to play, the internet abounds with  a geometry/shapes theme, from basic to advanced. Here’s a challenging one that develops rotational understanding while requiring students to use knowledge of basic shapes and figures:

mif ch 18 game


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