Week 29 April 2


Posted by kavery508 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on April 2, 2018

Photo Source: Autism Speaks

Light it Up Blue! This week marks Autism Awareness around the world. At Floral St. School, we are committed to serving the diverse needs of Shrewsbury’s population, including students whose needs lie within the autistic spectrum. In class, we will learn to understand the unique learning and behavior styles that accompany autism, in an effort to strengthen our school community. Information, networks, and ways to “light it up blue” can be found at the Autism Speaks website.

Thanks to those who have already sent in Kleenex! We can use lots more–please send in some if you haven’t, and thank you!

Our next math topic for exploration involves standard units of measurement. Students will engage in hands-on activities to develop a sense of how big one foot and one inch are. They will learn to compare heights and lengths in standard units, and use their knowledge to solve real-world problems about measurement. Consider the picture above. Notice how it encompasses all three big ideas? Now think: how would you find the answers using bar models as well? There are vocabulary and picture resources added to math homework folders to help at home.

In Social Studies, students are learning to apply all the skills they’ve learned (orientation; scale; directions; country vs. continent; natural/cultural features; etc.) by creating world atlases. Armed with continent outlines and iPads, they will be evaluating continent maps for ideas of what the most useful ones look like, then creating their own to fit their purpose. We applied our knowledge of natural & cultural features while researching maps of Japan last week, all while learning about Japan’s tradition of celebrating spring with cherry blossom festivals!

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