Week 35 May 21


Posted by kavery508 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on May 21, 2018

With just 5 weeks to go, it’s time to think about the end of the year! Please read this message from our Media Center:

“Dear Floral Families:

It’s hard to believe that the end of the school year is just 5 weeks away!

It is a big undertaking trying to get the Media Center back in order by the end of the school year, so we wanted to let you know that the last day students will be able to check books out will be Friday, May 25th. All books will be due the following Friday, June 1st.

If there are any books you are unable to find, please let me know and I will send you a bill for the replacement cost.  Your child can bring in a check made out to the Shrewsbury Public Schools.  Please do not buy another book. Paying the replacement cost allows us to purchase a library bound hard cover book that will withstand years use.  If your child has lost a paperback book, then it can be replaced with a gently used paperback chapter book from home.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


Shelley Crowell, Floral Media Center  scrowell@shrewsbury.k12.ma.us

Field Day is coming! The kids absolutely LOVE this day, when grade level peers play solo and group games outside. We need your help to run games that day! All that’s needed is to give your time–everything else is provided for you. Our Field Day is Thursday, June 14, 12:30-2:45. Please sign up using this link, and thank you: www.SignUpGenius.com/go/8050F44AEAA2AA13-floral

Our next two math chapters for study involve geometry. This week, students will learn that figures are made up of lines and curves. They will identify the same, and create figures of their own. In addition, they will learn about surfaces of solid objects and identify them as curved or flat. Finally, they will learn properties of solid objects, in particular which objects can stack, slide, and roll. All of this is a precursor to the geometry of plane shapes and solids which we will take on in the 2 weeks following. If you’re accessing the student e-book at home, this is Book B, chapter 18 & 19. It’s a great resource, especially if your child has questions on homework!

If looking for websites/apps/games to play, the internet abounds with  a geometry/shapes theme, from basic to advanced. Here’s a challenging one that develops rotational understanding while requiring students to use knowledge of basic shapes and figures:

Students have been working hard on their projects for Floral Goes Green! After learning about the value of repurposing plastic, they worked with teams of students from our class and Mrs. Richard’s second grade to design, build, test, troubleshoot, and customize games using all plastic parts. My favorite part of this process? The projects are 100% student work. I merely asked guiding questions and stood ready with a hot glue gun! These games will be set up in the gym on Friday for all the school to try, with our students on hand to lead them. Cant’ wait!

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