Week 33 May 5


Posted by kavery508 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on May 6, 2019

Field Day is coming! The kids absolutely LOVE this day, when grade level peers play solo and group games outside. We need your help to run games that day! All that’s needed is to give your time–everything else is provided for you. Our Field Day is Thursday, May 30, 12:30-2:45. Please sign up using this link, and thank you: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050f44aeaa2aa13-fsshawaiian

Our end of year ELA focus is on identifying and recognizing parts of speech. We’ll learn about the purpose of pronouns, verbs, and adverbs in sentences, and how to identify them in text. A fun part of our instruction will be singing along to Schoolhouse Rock (remember those old tunes? Turns out they were right on!). Peruse them at home, and ask your child to identify the learning going on!

In writing news, students have been busy practicing their informative writing skills. They are learning to write with details that expand the main idea. Here are two excerpts from pieces on recycling from 1) Sahithi, and 2) Charlie1) The first thing you should know about recycling is food scraps can be recycled. For one thing, food waste turns into compost. Plus, compost gives soil nutrients. 2) Another important thing about it is you can recycle plastic. They melt plastic into beads. Then the beads are turned into new plastic materials.  Super!

This week we wrap up our learning on data and graphing by examining line plots and bar graphs. What’s important for kids to know at the end is that information can be shown visually in a variety of ways; that a “key” holds important information for interpreting graphs; and that there is a difference between reading a graph (just saying what you literally see) and interpreting them (telling what the tallies, bars, numbers, and words mean);  and that graphs can be used to solve real world problems. This page from the student book illustrates these points well:

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