Week 11 November 4


Posted by kavery508 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on November 4, 2019

The Floral Family Fun Fair needs YOU! Please consider signing up to lend a hand. Games Masters and Mistresses are especially needed: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70a0e4fa9a82daaff2-20192Fall Festival was a big hit! The kids had a blast making crafts, hearing stories, and learning about our state history via the Salem witches. Thanks to Leann Rotolo for joining me in keeping the kids engaged and successful!

Detail and elaboration are what make good writing come to life! As part of our work with writing narratives, students went on a sensory walk outside the school. Then they learned to describe their experiences with carefully chosen words, which they used to create a description of setting–part 2 of our Narrative Writing Diamond. Here are some gems from: 1) Aadhya, 2) Anish, 3) Ishawn, and 4) Mason: 1) It was hard to miss the smell of coffee-smelling branches. 2) I was surprised to see round, emerald green plants! 3) I enjoyed the feel of fuzzy, soft branches. 4) Looking carefully, I noticed white foam on the water top. Awesome!

To complete our study of writing genres, students will be introduced this week to Opinion Writing. This genre is at the heart of most collegiate and professional writing as we know it, in which an author presents arguments backed up with evidence. To begin with, students will be taught the difference between fact and opinion; how to craft an introduction and opinion; how to use an outline to scaffold their writing; and how to write in complete sentences with correct punctuation and capitalization.

This Friday’s School Meeting offers all grades the opportunity to explore a common theme: perseverance. The book After the Fall (How Humpty Dumpty Got Back Up Again), by Dan Santat, illustrates how failure can make us risk averse but if we keep the goal in sight we can reach it one step at a time. Here’s a real-aloud version you can enjoy at home:

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